Back from Outer Space

If you thought a cloud had been frozen solid by this bitterly cold and dropped from the sky to crush me like an overripe banana, you would be wrong. If you were convinced magpies had invaded my flat and locked me in the dresser, you would in fact also be wrong (not to mention insulting the entire race of magpies who really are quite kind-hearted). If however you assumed I had abandoned you to go on a trip to magical Florence and sip tea at a street corner deli, you would sadly still be missing the mark *sigh. In actual fact I've just been swamped with work - exciting, I know - but as a freelancer I'm certainly not complaining. So my humblest apologies for the silent treatment, tea lovers!

As a treat (well, for those of you who are crafty creatures at least - for the rest, I'll post something pretty for you later, promise!) - some mind-canoodling DIYs I'll be trying this weekend, which I'm already planning even though it's only Tuesday. Hopefully you'll give these a shot too, 'cause if I fail, I'm going to need you to hand over those pretty pics of yours to post on this blog here, Lady, Dude and Mister Mgoo. Subtext: Try the DIYs and for heavens sake, please do a good job. For me. Because I'm Queen of the Creative Cluts-Clan and I need you to help me save face.

charn neethling
Is anyone else thinking tea and tequila party?
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charn neethling
That there is the corner of an envelope - sweet!

charn neethling
Too lovely for words!

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charn neethling
Scrabble coasters for a tea cup, of course.
Hopefully these should keep your fingers warm. Chills!

All images via Pinterest