19 Reasons to Love Winter

I can't remember the last time I was this happy and clappy on a Monday, and it's all thanks to the droplets of rainy happiness pouring down from the heavens outside. Yesterday's sunshine made me mourn the slow death of summer, but this morning's rain and fog made me realise that, quite frankly my dear, I'm ready to bury the sunnies and go me buy some hoodies. WINTER IS COMING, PEOPLE! WHOOP-DEE-FREAKING-DOO! 

Here are 19 things I can't wait to see, hear and get up to:

  1. Drawing pictures in the mist on the car window.
  2. Baking pancakes with friends!
  3. Making butternut soup from scratch! (Okay, more like from those pre-cut veggie soup packs they have at PnP and Woolies - same difference though.)
  4. Making a run for it through the pouring rain and getting soaked to the bone. 
  5. Changing out of your drenched threads and into warm dry clothes (right off the heater, even better!)
  6. The strange combination of fear and exhilaration when thunder and lightning break through the sky.
  7. Going home to Caledon for the weekend and chatting away in front of the crackling fire.
  8. Jumping in the puddles when the rain has subsided.
  9. Listening to the thundering sound of chubby little rain drops crashing down on a tin roof.
  10. Rainbows!
  11. Curling up in the passenger seat for a long journey in the rain.
  12. Breathing foggy clouds into the cold morning air.
  13. Wearing boots, scarves, comfy jeans and hoodies all day and everyday - yay!
  14. Walking around in your socks or shloff-shloff-shloffing through the house in furry slippers.
  15. Watching full day movie marathons with hot chocolate, marshmallows and good company.
  16. Polar fleece blankets and hot water bottles at the office!
  17. Waking up on a Saturday morning and crawling deeper under the warm covers, while listening to the rain pouring down outside.
  18. Getting to sleep late on the weekends without the sun making you feel guilty for sleeping past 7.
  19. The feeling of someone pressing their warm hands against your icy cheeks.
This list should really go on and on - there's just so much to love about winter! But my brain is mashed potato today, so I'm stopping at 19 for fear of overexersion. I'll let you add #20 in the comments section below :-)

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