Say it with Scrabble tiles

Hi my name is @teaTippler, I'm a copywriter and I suck at Scrabble.

Does that mean I don't want to tile my bathroom floor with Scrabble chips and have them embedded in my grave stone? Of course not! I'm not mad. About a year ago I scavenged around my gran's games cupboard and came across a Scrabble set that was, most conveniently, missing a couple of tiles. And like any keen 80-something Scrabbler will tell you, "Scrabble isn't Scrabble without those missing tiles, so Charn can go ahead and create some awesomeness. Seriously, bro, it's cool."

So far I've managed to whip together...

Scrabble brooches
Scrabble fridge magnets - FUN!

A Scrabble ring - stolen, sadly.
Some might say I lost it, but I beg to differ.
And lady Claire Lofthouse brought me this little lovely all the way from London! So spoiled, am I.

Yet it's still not enough! *Manic grin. Here's what's still on the Scrabble list (is this list written in Scrabble tiles? Let's say yes.)

Giant Scrabble tiles
Patio Scrabble!

I can't spell it out any clearer. L-O-V-E.


  1. Also LOVE Scrabble tiles! I even tried looking on gumtree for old tiles, but to no avail :( I actually got a set of scrabble for my 21st from friends... yip, totally lame like that. But that RING is FANTASTIC!

    1. Heck, you have AWESOME friends! =D So comforting knowing that I'm not the only "lame critter" out there lol #hugs
