On my Shopping List

I don't know about you, but I have this mental shopping-slash-want-slash-wishlist going on in my brain that pretty much gets updated on a daily basis. At the moment I'd say the list is about sixteen kilometers long which makes me think that I probably won't have a problem in compiling a gift registry for my wedding one day. But seriously, enough babble. Here's a low-down of the current chart toppers...

1. An assortment of odd chairs: Since I'm not working from home anymore, I've decided to turn my awesome white trestle table desk (a lucky Gumtree find) into a dining table - loving this chair idea:

2. Canteloupe: The season of sweet juicy happiness is almost over so I'm literally chowing this every other day. They're becoming harder and harder to come by, and it won't be long before the cantaloupe strikes the fan. Sob.

3. Wedge ankle boots: Well, boots in general really, but ever since I saw the chick in the Tressemé ad trippling down the steps in pretties like these, I've been smitten. Bring on winter!

4. Rocking horse necklace: There are no words.

5. Quirky coasters: I can't shout LOVE loud enough (would if I could, but my boss is sitting in the next office). On a more serious note, I would fight a lion for ANY one of these and touch an octopus with my bare hands. OK, no, I probably won't do the octopus thing, but anyway - if you spot any coaster gems (that won't cost me a kidney and two toes) give me a shout :)

6. Pink's latest CD: I never thought I'd see the day when Pink made it back onto my playlist, but alas! Over the last couple of months her sweet tunes have stolen my heart. Thís little Nate Ruess number completely knocked my socks off and is now stuck in my brain like a stubborn splinter. Don't judge me.

7. A pastel kettle: Every time I see one, I cry a little when I think of the fact that it's not standing on my kitchen counter. Does it have to be pink? Not at all, darling - any colour you choose to give me for my birthday is just fine.

8. A wrist tattoo: Something small, simple and timeless that won't hurt too much, you know? [I can just hear the tattoo pro's shaking with laughter right now.]


  1. I'm pretty sure we want the same things. Ah those boots! loving it :D those chairs WILL be my future house ;)

    1. Lol! Cut from the same vintage cloth, I tell you :-D

  2. Replies
    1. This definitely calls for an "aaaawww"! #drukkies
