Don't get me wrong - I love public holidays, but having two "Mondays" in the space of four days, really pops my bubble. Here are a few tips for turning crappy into happy:
- Google a funny word! Not only will you crack a smile every time it comes to mind, you'll broaden your vocabulary in the process. You're welcome, SA school system.
- Invest in a bottle of bubbles! There's nothing more soothing than blowing a soap bubble and watching it drift weightlessly through the air.
- Look at a cupcake. They're so cute, you only really need to see one to feel the glow of happiness in your heart. Joy, minus the calories. (If it's a really bad day, eat it. Just eat it.)
- Breathe deeply. Not in a psycho killer kind of way, well, unless client service phone you for 17th time and psycho breathing makes you feel better.
- Pull faces while brushing your teeth. It wakes you up, ignites a smile and makes oral hygiene rather interesting.
- Paint your nails a bright colour. I did this for the first time today and every time I look down at my crookedly painted sunshine yellow tips, I can't help but crack a smile.
- Start a Monday ritual - invest in a special tea or coffee or tin of biscuits or ANYTHING that's reserved for Mondays - it has to be so delicious, you'll be willing to trade a Friday for a Monday.
- Ask an English (non-Afrikaans) colleague to say something in Afrikaans. Really, this always makes my day.
- Find your Monday tune. Whether it's current or as old as the Stonehenge, find that tune that just brings a smile to your face and hum it (in your mind. Please.) This is mine:

- Buy something - anything! I save most of my happy purchases for Mondays. Whether I need new mascara, a mug, a new dress for an occasion - it all happens on a Monday.
- Cause destruction. Shred old paper, crush an empty tin, smash a glass jar - it's a great relief and you're spring cleaning in the process!
- Draw a funny hand puppet thing on your hand.
- Spray a really happy scented perfume on your wrist - one that reminds you of meadows and dew drops and baby's breath and rainbows. When you feel down, take a whiff!
- Facebook message a BUNCH of people late the night before. Come manic Monday morning, your day will be brightened by the sporadic responses.
- Make someone else's day. There's no greater feeling than putting a smile on someone's face, so whether you make a cup of tea or send a funny pic - do what it takes to see some teeth!