20 Ways to feel happy again

After a particularly tough week and weekend, I've compiled this list for Future Me - to help her deal with life's issues before the over-thinking can begin ♥

  1. Hug a puppy or just call it over and be wooed by the floppy ears and infectious puppy smile.
  2. Climb a tree and see the world from a whole different perspective.
  3. Turn up the music! If you have a cheesy feel good mix, now would be a good time to dust it off.
  4. Make tea! Really, tea fixes everything... even if just for that moment.
  5. Start a new creative project that excites you and takes your mind off things.
  6. Take a glimpse into the future and find something - an event, a holiday, whatever - that you can focus on and look forward to.
  7. Talk it out! They say a problem shared is a problem halved - #truestory
  8. Go for a run or a swim - pushing your body to the max is a great way to rid your mind of pent-up anger or frustration.
  9. Grab the wax crayons and pencils, open a colouring book and be a child again.
  10. Lie on the grass and allow your mind to think things through - sometimes suppressing the thoughts and emotions make matters even worse, so just let it out.
  11. Cry, cry and cry some more - studies actually show that crying flushes stress hormones from your system, so cry! 
  12. Curl up with a book - one that's completely unrelated to whatever issue it is you're dealing with.
  13. Sleep. As they say, things always look better in the morning.
  14. Tuck into healthy food that's also munch-worthy - like popcorn. While reaching for ice cream is my default option, it always leaves me feeling even more guilty and down in the dumps.
  15. Daydream and escape into your own little world for a while.
  16. Treat yourself to a little something new, whether it be a dress, a hairgrip or anything that makes you feel good about yourself.
  17. Say a little prayer and let go of whatever it is that's haunting you.
  18. Make a list of the positives in your life - after all, it can't ALL be doom and gloom!
  19. Get into gardening! I'm no Miss Green Fingers, but there's something incredibly therapeutic about bringing greenery to the garden/home.
  20. And if all else fails, watch this video over and over and over again:

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