25 Summer Musts

This summer I look forward to...
  1. Going wine tasting - cheese & wine, biltong & wine, chocolate & wine, you name it!
  2. Using the line "you're pretty awesome, want to be friends?" to make a new friend.
  3. Making iced tea and ice cream from scratch.
  4. Trying every so-called "best salad in the world" and tasting strange-looking cheeses, pestos and pates that I normally wouldn't.
  5. Baking an impressively complicated cake or dessert and showing the whole wide world.
  6. Revamping an old book case / table / chair / or something - anything.
  7. Completing at least one of the Pinterest projects on my DIY board.
  8. Attending an open air movie night and going to night markets.
  9. Buying a new plant - coincidentally, I bought two pretty greenies just yesterday!
  10. Going to the ballet - it's something I've always wanted to do, and there's no time like the present.
  11. Going cherry or strawberry picking with a bunch of friends.
  12. Going on a one-day road trip to a random town that I've never visited before.
  13. Having a girls' sleepover with chick flicks and chocolate, just like we did back in high school.
  14. Wearing light, simple outfits like floaty dresses, denim shorts and loose-fitting tops.
  15. Building a sandcastle and turning an unsuspecting friend into a sand mermaid ala Joey in Friends.
  16. Going for lunchtime walks to buy frozen yogurt at the Spar.
  17. Wearing fresh flowers in my hair!
  18. Eating cantaloupe (sweet melon) and watermelon until my stomach hurts.
  19. Going camping by the dam and floating on a tractor tube while reading a book.
  20. Building a puzzle! This is something of a family summer tradition - the perfect way to pass the time between 11 and 3 when it's too hot to swim.
  21. Getting up at the crack of dawn to go for a run.
  22. Having milk and sandwiches on the stoep (patio) at twilight, enjoying the cool air after a scorching hot day.
  23. Clambering through the branches of one of the fruit trees in my parents' backyard.
  24. Scrapbooking on a picnic blanket under a tree. I say this every summer, but alas. 
  25. Getting all dressed up in sun dresses and hats, and going for high tea with a lovely lady friend.

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